Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Flower Peeper

A cute little Easter chick hatched out of a foam produce tray in our yard today...  a spring flower peeper!

I cut the simple shape out of the foam tray, then added eyes and nose (fabric paint, but you could use other recycled plastic, like milk/oj jugs).

Hoping for waterproof orange, I colored two bamboo skewers with a Sharpie. I put a dab of tacky craft glue on the sharp end of the skewer and twisted it into the "belly" of the foam chick (about 3/4 inch). I then cut three equal lengths off each leg to make the toes.

I arranged the toes on the chick's legs in a dab of hot glue, a few inches above the end so that the chicks' legs could be firmly stuck in the ground.

Our chick was then was then ready for peeping between the mailbox daffodils!


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